Janice Whiteaker's latest in her Lost Boys series, Saving What's Mine, comes out this Friday, January 21, 2022. The couple in this one is Niko (club name: Crow) and Hope. Hope, we met in Janice's book, Out Bad, that she released July 17, 2019. The book is not a part of her Lost Boys series, but it is a spinoff of it. Niko is also heavily featured in that book.
I am really looking forward to this book. Niko has intrigued me ever since we met him in Hawk and Shelly's book, Taming What's Mine. Out of everyone in the club, he seemed to have taken the fallout the hardest and I just couldn't wait to see what Janice had in store for him!
The synopsis of the book is below:
I knew it the second I heard her name.
It’s something I’ve never had.
Something I’ve always wanted.
But now I only want it for her.
Hope’s as broken as I was.
Beaten down.
Literally and figuratively.
That stops now.
I thought saving myself was what mattered the most to me.
I was wrong.
Saving her is.
No one’s ever cared what happened to me.
Ever offered help without wanting something in return
.No one except for Niko.
He was there when I needed someone the most.
Took care of me and my two girls.
Showed them good men really do exist.
Showed me.
I never expected my life to be a fairy tale.
And it’s not.
Because someone tries to steal my prince before we can find our happily ever after.
Sounds interesting, right? You can pre-order the book on Amazon now! And if you're a KU reader, you'll be able to read this on Friday as well!
To pre-order Saving What's Mine, click here.
To order Out Bad to meet Hope and get a little insight into Niko's character, click here.