UPDATED: 03/05/2022

Aside from my blog, I leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and BookBub. I will also review elsewhere if the author, publisher has asked me to do so.

The following is my policy on how I rate and review.


It has recently come to my attention that Amazon likes to shit on authors for any rating 3 and under. (Technically 4 isn't great in their eyes either.) For more information, lick on the following links:
What Do Those Stars Mean on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/3xhnkknu
Reviews: What Those Stars Mean to Authors (Or When Should I Give 5 Stars): https://tinyurl.com/2phydap2

So, with this in mind, my rating process will be as follows:

Amazon - If I've read it and I consider it a 3 or above rating (see below), the book gets 5 stars automatically. I'm not going to cause an author any financial hardship just because there's something I don't like about the book. Judge me all you want, but authors are humans too and I'm not going to shit on their passion.

Goodreads, BookBub - I will be more flexible in my rating system on these sites, unless they too decide to shit on an author for a less than stellar rating. This rating system will also be used here on my blog.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ = Absolutely loved it! I was completely immersed in the storyline and could not put it down! If the book is a part of a series, I most definitely am going to read the series! Regarding the author: future books are pre-ordered (if possible) and the author is considered one-click worthy.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ = Really enjoyed the book, but it didn't wow me. If the book is part of a series, I will likely read the series. Regarding the author: future books are pre-ordered (if possible).

⭐⭐⭐ = Book was okay but nothing stood out. I may keep track of the author and their future releases in case they release a book that peaks my interest.

I don't leave reviews for books I consider ⭐ or ⭐⭐. As mentioned before, I don't like shitting on an author's passion, just because I don't like a book. In the past, I have left these types of ratings/reviews before and I usually end up feeling guilty for it. So I'm limiting myself to only reviewing books I consider 3 stars and above.


I am typically a fairly easy person to please. If I'm immersed in the story, I could care less about spelling/grammar mistakes; unless someone tells me to look out for them. I also don't really care for POV. Sometimes I will make note of it in my review, because I know people get hung up over it.

The things I do focus on are:

  • Pace
  • Characters
  • Plot
  • Steam Level

Pace - Does the story flow? Does it drag?

Characters - Do I like the characters? Do they have chemistry? Does the chemistry jump out at me or is it more of a subtle chemistry that simmers? Do I like the side characters? Do the side characters enhance the story or do they drag it down? If a side character were to get their own story, would I be interested in reading it?

I will say, one of my big problems with leaving reviews is talking about the heroine. They are the big IF for me on whether I like the story or not. I tend to like my heroines a certain way. I don't like TSTL and while I am all for feminism, if the heroine berates the hero every time he offers to help, the heroine is a bitch in my book; I'm sorry. Another one of my grievances with romance books is miscommunication between the hero and heroine. While I understand it happens IRL (believe me, I see what it does to my parents; they won't change, somehow are still together and I blame them for my lack of change in my single status) and I'll allow it to happen to a certain degree, I just don't like when the hero and heroine willingly choose to not tell the other person something that ultimately leads up to the big conflict in the book before the HEA. I also understand that these are my own personal views, so I don't really want to drag the author/book down by bitching about these things. But then again, that's what reviews are for, right?

Plot - Is the plot believable enough? I understand authors can't get everything right and, considering it's fiction, there should some suspension of disbelief when it comes to reading.

Steam Level - This should be a no brainer! I'm a romance reader and I like things a little spicy in my books! I'll usually make note in the review if the SL is Explicit, Steamy or Sensual/Passionate:

  • Sensual/Passionate - 1 or 2 love scenes; less descriptive and more about the emotions
  • Steamy - 3 or 4 love scenes; more descriptive
  • Explicit - 5+ descriptive love scenes; very descriptive

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk about how I rate and review the books I read. 😁