

Monday Musings: Apartment Adventures, Facebook

In this week’s edition of Monday Musings, I thought I’d ramble a bit about my recent apartment adventures and Facebook. Particularly the problem that comes when you decide you need two accounts.

Apartment Adventures

If you know me through Janice Whiteaker’s reader group, you know I’ve been looking to move out of my parents’ house. I’m 37 years old and while I enjoy being a homebody and being around my parents, I just need the space. The search officially started earlier this year and I found an apartment complex that I liked. It’s halfway between my parents’ house and work, the reviews have been mostly good, the rent’s fair, and someone I know actually lives there with her son. Fast forward to a week ago, and I’ve signed a lease with them! My parents officially become empty nesters in October!!

I also bought my first piece of furniture this past weekend for the apartment; a kitchen table that I found off of Facebook Marketplace!

If interested, I’ll keep you updated here on the blog with how it’s all going and maybe post pictures when I’ve finally moved in!


When I first decided to start a book blog, I decided to create a Facebook Page as another way to connect with other readers/bloggers. For personal reasons, I didn’t want the Facebook Page connected to personal account, so I created another account (shh…don’t tell book of faces!) Do you know how hard it is trying to maintain two Facebook accounts?! And I keep joining reader groups with my personal account (which is fine), but then I’d like to join with the other bookish account too, but feel awkward doing so! LOL

Interested in following/friending either/both of my accounts on Facebook?
- My personal FB account:
My bookish FB account:

I’ll admit, I haven’t posted much on my bookish FB account. I’ve been trying to be more active on there, but again… hard to maintain two different FB accounts!

Monday Musings: More Apartment/Life Adventures

Monday Musings: Goodreads, Reading Anxiety and a FB Reel that Reminded Me of a Book I Read